A delightful goal by Gov Bello of Niger State

A Delightful Goal by ABULOLO!

There are goals and there are goals, both Messi and Ronaldo have scored classical goals but this very goal scored by ABULOLO when he dissolved or sacked fifteen commissioners on Wednesday was outstanding and  remarkable compared  to any known goal scored by Messi and Ronaldo. And when a player who is not a traditional scorer, scores (they usually score when it matters most) the jubilation, euphoria and excitement that follows is usually explosive, electrifying and consuming. The GOAL was sumptuous but yet bitter to the commissioners that were at the receiving end.

The dissolution/sack of the fifteen commissioners by ABULOLO may be a response to the clarion call by Nigerlites for him to examine, assess and evaluate the performances of the commissioners; after all, many of  them did not bring anything to the table. When I alluded to the fact that Niger State needs a systemic scan and rebooting, many die-hard supporters of ABULOLO almost declared me a persona non grata but the reality is here with us now.

In football parlance, the maxim that you don’t change a winning team (I have my reservations with this) is a good concept when the stake is high. Relating this to the dissolution/sack of the commissioners gives credence or corroborates the fact that a high percentage of the commissioners did not pull their weights and added no political or democratic value to this administration. In fact, most of them were liabilities or extra luggage to ABULOLO and they were impeding the needed impetus for this administration to excel.

The buck stops on ABULOLO’s table; he must take responsibility for the success or failure of this administration. Sequel to this, ABULOLO needed to act and act fast with the instinct of a clinical goal scorer. We had long anticipated this dissolution   before now, the procrastination was costly but when it came, it served the purpose it was meant to serve.

Some of the commissioners were caught flat-footed when the dissolution was announced, speculations had  it that one of the commissioners was so confused and perplexed that he cried bucket full of tears when he heard the announcement. It was also reported that the community where one of the sacked commissioners hail from celebrated his sack with colourful events.

Some of the commissioners were not creative or proactive, some practically did not have business being nominated as commissioners in the first place, some were unnecessarily aggressive, uncultured and overzealous, some were devoid of the needed disposition and temperament, some were clueless and some were characteristically immature for leadership role. Although, APC preaches the mantra of change, some of them were recalcitrant or ambivalent to change, to them, the change mantra is only limited to their lips as eye “service”. Broad spectrums of them were uninspiring, unproductive and lackadaisical with respect to the nature of their work. The concept of hedonistic individualism was paramount in their minds.

From the foregoing, it was obvious that a holistic change in the team was imperative if really ABULOLO meant well for Niger State. The need to show some of the commissioners the way was strategic and for the benefit of humanity. If ABULOLO had refused to do the needful (dissolving the commissioners) it would have being the greatest disservice to us in Niger State. The team wasn’t a winning team, so they don’t justify keeping them as commissioners. A handful of them who knows their onions well were affected by this dissolution, it is called collateral damage and it is in the best interest of the state. Some of the commissioners have started lobbying for them to be reappointed, social media space is agog with such obnoxious hailing of their paymasters.

As spectacular as this goal by ABULOLO was, the euphoria will not last long if the replacement for them is not appropriately and consciously done. Putting round pegs in round holes is cardinal and paramount. We need to see more of  technocrats than politicians but this have its attendant consequences, but the mission is clear, Niger state must be a force to reckon with in this 21st century and our driver is ABULOLO, excuses and complacency will not be entertained.

ABULOLO needs to avoid the influence of his godfathers in running Niger state, in this particular case, the selection of new commissioners. A review of Abulolo’s style of leadership and administration shows that he has serious challenge in terms of  influence from his godfathers; he has not shown that he has the coping capacity to withstand their influence. He is too vulnerable and susceptible to the godfathers; unfortunately or fortunately, one of his godfather is his father in-law and another, his biological father. We are going to see how he will maneuver his way to avoid the influence of these individuals who exercise colossal influence not only within Niger State but in Nigeria.

Godfathers meddle or interfere with governance and this has serious negative consequences globally. For how long are we going to be kept under captivity as slaves by these very individuals who have milked our country dry, the earlier we begin to push them to the dustbin of history, the better for us.

One obvious consequence of this dissolution is that the commissioners shown the way are likely going to weigh their chances especially those that have aggressive and overzealous ambition. Some of them will change loyalty and allegiance by changing party. I foresee APC in Niger State splitting into different groups and some groups may even decamp to other political parties. Some of them have big dreams even beyond their capacity and competence; attempting to contain them within the APC and making them less potent and ordinary members is unimaginable.  The wild and burning ambition to contest for various positions like the Senate, House of Representative and House of Assembly will be the nucleus that will sow and propel the seed of disharmony and division in APC preparatory to 2019 elections, it must be stated that this very brilliant and sumptuous goal by ABULOLO is going to be one of the reasons for this anticipated disharmony and division. What can save this situation is an issue for another day but for now, the goal stands and it is vital so long as it will bring greater development to Niger State.

I have said on many occasions that my commentaries are predicated on objectivity and sincerity, for avoidance of doubt, I want to reiterate that my views are devoid of prejudices. I acknowledge and appreciate service to humanity and I objectively criticize flip- flops and intentional/deliberate disservice to humanity. Today, ABULOLO is in my good book because he has done something that is worthy of being acknowledged and commended. On this very rare and breathtaking GOAL, ABULOLO is on point/apt, this earned him the Prestigious Award of Player of the Month. May God Almighty provide ABULOLO with the right mentality and zeal to take Niger state to greater height, ameen.

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