Hon Alhassan Tswako manifesto

The challenges confronting my good people are so numerous but here are few that can be looked into by a willing representative, it is called our 10 point agenda.
(1) Ecological problems of Mokwa and its environs, ranging from gully erosions, inadequate drainage channels to the continuous seasonal flooding occasioned by the release of excess water by both the Jebba and Kainji dams respectively. however we acknowledge that many of the ecologicalproblems can only be surmount through collaborative efforts with both state and federal government, donor agencies as well as CSR from companies within the constituency.
Hyperdec commission should be on the front burner once again, distinguished senator Zainab Kure have already done so much in that regards and we wish to thank her for such a giant stride, however the work is far from over.
(2) The problems of continuous dilapidated educational infrastructures caused as a result of direct neglect by those saddled with such responsibilities, such decay include inadequate classrooms, inadequate chairs in classes, studying materials as well as inadequate professional man power to do the job. The introduction of the use of computers in these info-technological age can never be over stated.
(3)  The need to commission a committee of notable elders to as a matter of urgency look into the communal  crisis between once loving and caring neighboring communities, example of such crisis  are between the two sections of Sunlati villages, between Tswako and Guga, Dakani, Epogi, Lenfa, internal crisis in Jaagi, Kusogi, Sunti communal clash, and more recently Kpata Kacha of Mokwa and Katcha people of Katcha local government.
(4) The need to get electricity to so many communities, this is to be done through continues engagement with both federal and state rural electrification board, as well as timely response and interventions in the provisions of transformers to places with faulty ones.
(5) The need to provide more community health centers in more villages, equipping the ones already available to be more response effective and efficient in service delivery to our people, medical man power will be encourage with incentives and the enabling atmosphere to allow them discharge their responsibility. Such interventions may include providing mobility to medical personnel’s, provision of clinical beds, drugs and so on.more boreholes will be provided to ease the problem of Good drinking  water supply and availability.
(6) Culvert bridges linking two roads in areas like Ega, Lenfa Kuso, and so many more areas to mention but few.
(7) The need to encourage students who have distinguished themselves excellently in academics and are willing to be worthy ambassadors of our constituency, with scholarship support, while giving priority to girl’s educations in the areas of nursing and medicines.
(8) We will continue to engage our people and inter-phase with them so that there is a mutual intercourse of understanding on those issues that affect them directly.
(9) Youth entrepreneurship in areas such as iron welding, carpentering and agro-preneur will be given serious attention, this will not only allow our youths to become gainfully employed but also it will make them become masters of their own faith, after all its better to teach one how to catch fish rather than feed them with fish. Our women will be trained on tailoring, soup and pomades making and start up capitals will be provided to encourage them.
(10) It is our hope that a library will be established to be owned by the constituency, the structure will be put in place first, then a machinery will be set on motion to request for books all over the nation, a grand event will be planned to lunch the donation of those books, the facility will be equipped with computers and internet facilities , and gradually we will realize this dreams together hopefully.

Hon Alhassan Tswako is a House Of Representative aspirant .

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