By Muhammad Nasir

Impressed by the level of overhaul and reconstruction going round the state at the end of his first year in office, I sought to consolidate on his good works by putting up a proposal with a very pleasing and inviting theme. This I presented to the office  of the chief of staff with high hopes and anticipation that in a couple of week, I shall become a progress partner with the Niger state government.

Alas! The chief of staff communicated in person, very eloquently, soft and so tender that I thought I was communicating with a customer service representative but still... The excellency cut short the deal. How? He asserted thus, "my friend, this must be a copy and paste work or go and check out how to address the governor" and that was how the said proposal died its natural death.

Been that, I've lived and also seen how governor's love to be extolled with excellence, I had to make more finding with the hope that this explains why he has refused to be addressed thus so much that his chief administrator joined suit but "wallahi", over a year plus, I haven't found any answer as it is more reason I see on daily basis.

To say the least, Mr governor as he preferred to be called is no doubt a big blessing to Niger state and Nigeria in general for his leadership dexterity, wherewithal and commitment towards leaving Niger state better than he met it has cut for him a niche in the event book of times and history won't forget been kind to his chronicles.

Overtime, prophets are not always celebrated in their homes but the young governor saddling the affairs of Niger state has changed this trend. His works speak so much volume that the only criticism left in the mouth of his critics who have access to the social media is... "lolo is trying but his works are one sided". One sided they say and I gnash my teeth because this is the first time, his zone will be producing governor since 1999.

Even though it is not to say previous government's did nothing for their people, if the one sided criticism is anything to go by, Niger would have surely already be on the stead of greatness if his predecessors were workaholic enough to sequentially develop the state one side, Lolo's one side development would have been the balancing side for an all side development.

To disabuse the assumption that Mr governor is a one sided governor as popularly opined by his critics, a critical look at his just dissolved cabinet, administrative team and MDA's appointment shall prove the contrary but let that be for another. Hopefully, when new commissioners are named.

In the interim, a critical look at the level of roads construction, schools remodelling, revenue growth, student welfare packages, smooth running of the assembly and relative security in the state has proved beyond doubt that the state is been run on an excellent stead and I sincerely commend Mr governor and his team of proficient hands who are up and doing to take the state to promise land.

It is therefore pertinent for all to put aside partisan interest, religious differences, sectional expectations, orientation and limiting factors to join hands with this government in order to move the state forward. While wishing for a support as never before, may God guide Mr governor in appointing the best hands capable of consolidating his good intentions for the state(amen). Till then, I remain yours truly,

Comr Muhammad Nasir and can be reached on;

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