The Imperative of an Informed Youth, Essential to Democracy Consolidation. By Shuaib Awaisu Wana
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”- Nora Roberts.
As the journey to 2019 gathers momentum, political analysts have continued to dish out theories on how it would play out. There have been intense campaign for #YouthTakeover, #NotTooYoungToRun lately by the youths themselves, considering the fact that the murky water is dominated by the old, despite the youths having the advantage of number. The youths constitute the largest number of Nigeria's population. The country's population is estimated to have reached 182 million this year with more than half of its people under 30 years of age. Sadly, the youths lack the organisational guts to take advantage of this number for their quest for political power.
The youths, though active but politically, they are said to be naive and in most cases, uninformed. Hence, it becomes imperative for them to be politically orientated in the spirit of participatory democracy which assumes that most people will do more than just vote. The primary rationale for engaging the youths is because they are expected to not only have a say in government and organisations that affect their interests, but also strive to take up leadership positions. Participatory democracy assume an enthusiasm on the part of many to be involved in politics and the process of decision making, particularly the Youths.
The imperative of youths active participation in politics cannot be overemphasized. We need more youth involvements in politics. When the youths walk side by side with the old, it is good for equality and democracy. It is equally good for Peace and stability as the youths would be mentored to assume leadership roles. When the old and the youths make decision together, the decision invariably reflect and respond to the diverse needs and rights of all the entire population.
Illiteracy, unemployment and poverty have been identified as the three menace facing Nigeria today of which the youths are most affected. In view of this, it becomes sacrosanct for an enabling environment to be created through adoption of measures and strategies to increase youths participation in democracy. Hence, the need to have an informed youths in Nigeria.
One of the factors that expedite growth and development is having citizens that are patriotic. The Youths must know that patriotism is the only thing that can guarantee the unity and progress of Nigeria. Patriotism should not only be shown when we are asked to rise up for the National Anthem or seen when we are all adorn in Green and White colours cheering the Super Eagles. Patriotism should also be extended to duties and civic responsibilities and of course, political offices, where person interests are sacrifice on the alter of general interest. The Youths must understand that the most important aspect of democracy is its impact on the lives of the people. Any project or developmental stride must have a direct positive impact on the people's lives no matter how small or big the project or initiative is.
Yes, the youths are not too young to run for public offices at all levels. However, having patriotic, energetic youths is not enough. We need those with the technical capacity and intellectual wherewithal that can be able to recognise or identified the problems and challenges retarding our growth and development, and dare the odds to provide radical solutions to these problems and challenges not minding whose ox may be gored in the process. As solutions to our present maladies, calls for toes of retrogressiveness not only to be stepped on, but crushed if possible to bring sanity in the land. Here the best amongst the youths that possess the aforementioned rudiments of leadership should be sort for. The youths must strive to be gainfully employed or empowered as this will not only reduce poverty and restiveness that affect them most, but will as well buttress their dignity, respect and self-esteem in the society they live in, thus boosting their political credentials.
Today, Nigeria is faced with a number of social ills that affects consolidation of democracy in the country. This includes - political thuggery, violence, electoral fraud (ballot box stuffing and snatching), politics of money, enmity, party dichotomy, religious and ethnic intolerance. Rather than focus on politics of issues, performance and track records with measurable indices, the uninformed once among youths often recruited as waring arsenals by selfish and avaricious politicians to constitute nuisance in the polity, thereby denying them the much needed dividends of democracy that is due to them. The youths must know that electoral fraud is the highest form of corruption for it deprives the People of their rights to determine their leadership and future and must shun all social ills in the society. The youths must imbibe the principal of democratic best practices, and take legal ways of protecting their votes before, during and after election because the ultimate goal is vote security.
Finally, in the famous words of John F. Kennedy who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” In this regard, the youths must imbibe the spirit of community service through selfless means. They must know that community service such as environmental sanitation, maintenance of cemeteries, feeder road etc etc., will invariably accord the youths due recognition and ease their path to leadership positions. This can only be achieve if unity and solidarity is entrenched amongst the youths.
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