The Little You Need To Know About Hon Bmitosahi.

One fact about Chief Of Staff to Governor Abubakar Sani Bello , Hon Mikail Al Amin Bmitosahi is his financial prudence.

When I  heard that Hon Bmitosahi has been suspended for financial mismanagement, I refused to believe the story , I knew it was a blatant lie to either cause mischief or damage the reputation of Hon Bmitosahi.

Those of us that are close the Chief Staff knows when it comes to money , Chief is very disclpline, he does not give room for any financial fraud talkles of him getting involved.

Alot of people have been disappointed when they realised Hon Bmitosahi won't in anyway  abuse the trust and confidence reposed in him by engaging in financial misappropriation.

This  set of  people thinks it is going to be business as usual to illegally   feed fat on people's entrusted resources. They have kept distance from Chief as he refused to engaged in the corrupt practice.

Hon Bmitosahi's  priority is to render service to the people, he has kept clean record of any kind of  corrupt practises .

It is in the interest of this mischievous people to desist from any sort of attempt to tarnish the image of Hon Bmitosahi, any attempt will always end in failure just like this 600 million naira allegation that is untrue and lack any substance.


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