Mikail Al-Amin Shekwo'aga Bmitosahi
-Jarman Kasar Kuta
-Sarkin Yakin APC
An Uncelebrated Celebrity
By Comrade Muhammad Nasir
For the very first time despite having spent years long enough to win a child in Minna, I stopped at the Katerin Gwari round about connecting government house road, RUWASSA, High court and Mobil to have a taste of tea at "Six-Ten" but I mysteriously found myself at the democracy garden. There I had a cool chill up but that's not my story.
My story is the narration of a man I have come to know with different names, different impressions and many attributes. He is indeed a dependable leader, charismatic public figure, God fearing man, proven mass servant and above all - a culturally conserved family man whose acceptance of people knows not tribe, religion or status.
Like the saying of the grateful philosopher, Aristotle, "as often as we do good, we are offering sacrifices to God". The side talks of my recreation at the democracy garden was truly the feast of this man. What were they discussing? I will give the answer. They were discussing governance, I mean Niger state leadership and the suavity of their individual speeches shows that they were not just from Niger but knows the terrain.
They despite not seemingly card carrying members of any political party enumerated the strength and weakness of the Niger state government under the leadership of Mr governor, Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello. While mentioning his achievements across education, health, youth empowerment, PPP, agriculture and urban development, the highly informed political pundits placed in the front burner of Mr governor's human development strides the personal efforts of his chief of staff, Hon Mikail Al-Amin Bmitosahi.
The mentioned among other things how he has been silently influencing employment for many Nigerlites in federal agencies, supporting youths in entrepreneurial start ups, paying school fees, medical bills and bailing Tue needy out of distresses to say the least. That he is presently not occupying any elective office, I said to myself this man is indeed and uncelebrated celebrity and I'm wondering his motivations.
Only at this point do I have to appreciate further the rare privilege of been able to say, I know, communicates with and proudly deals with a man of such public impression in a public place. While I'm since very particular about the many untold stories of the distinctions in the present government of Niger state. The tale of this man, Hon Mikail Bmitosahi gives me great reasons to not just blow the trumpets but sing to the world that for Niger state, posterity is so much in offing with the likes of people it has at the seat of power.
Finally, every government has its flaws and imperfections but the relative difference between these flaws and imperfections to overall positive impacts is what forms the basis of its judgement for or against. Using this indices, Niger state is on course and it's citizens must support the government of the day for the greater good of its people. Well-done Hon Mikail, your works are speaking for you.
Comr A. M. Nasir Is A Social Commentator And Can Be Reached At naadejohs@gmail.com
Indeed I wish to register my own personal opinion on the Said individual Hon Mikail Alamin Bmitosahi as someone who is a complete humble, proactive, straight forward and highly displined individual whorthy of emulation by all...
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