It's a wrap, almost, an honorary fellow of the University of Iowa as facilitated by the prestigious International Writing Program. I'm happy to be a part of this cerebral family, offered a platform to think and create in the warmth of a multicultural and multinational league. 

This fellowship - through which I added over 52,000 words to my novel manuscript (deleting half of this in the old draft), and wrote 61 poems, two short stories and sketches of rambling essays on identities and whatnots (to be recollected and written in the tranquility of Abuja, as Wordsworth would say) - is both a life-changing experience and a motivation to keep on the track.

I love you, Iowa City, your impalpable hospitality and endlessly stirring muse. Thank you for tolerating this alien this long, without a squabble or scandal. Of course, I represent a fine people. We did it for the culture lol. Next stop Washington D. C., and then New York.

Source :Gimba Kakanda .

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