Governor Bello's magic wand in Niger State.
Ahmed Tswata.
Ever since assuming office in 2015, the governor of Niger state has been working tirelessly to ensure that the promises he made to the people are fulfilled.
One of the promises he made was entrenchment of quality education in the state.
To fulfil it, the administration has been renovating school infrastructure across the state, improvement of instruction materials, and retraining and issuance of incentives to teachers.
Agriculture has also been getting a holistic attention by the administration. Worthy of note is the value chain that has been introduced into it.
To provide a conducive working environment, the Administration utilized the resources at its disposal to ensure that farmers in the state are not left behind without any support. The administration has been providing more than 15,000 metric tons of fertilizer yearly to farmers as well as other modern farming equipment.
The aim of Governor Bello administration is not just to improve output in the Agricultural sector but also to make farming look attractive to the youths in the state. His administration has trained more than 200 youths and women and empowered them to start up Agricultural enterprises in the state. It'll be totally pointless to list all the completed projects in the Agricultural sector by the governor but projects amounting to over one hundred sure is a lot of work and dedication.
What use is education or agriculture to a people ravaged by sicknesses and diseases without any hope of getting help? What's food to a dying man but dung? Seeing that health is the single most valuable asset a man can possess, the Governor has ensured that it is made available to everyone in the state. Not just for those with money, but also for the less- privileged. In the light of this, Governor Bello has decided to build 274 primary health care centers in the state. This will ensure that healthcare centers are close to all who will need it and you don't have to travel a long distance to treat a minor illness that can easily be treated. The governor has also distributed over a million drugs to these primary healthcare centers to ensure that they are able to serve the people more effectively.
Governor Bello's administration has also worked on various roads in the state. Roads connect communities together and are very vital for the movement of people and goods. One of the major setbacks of practicing agriculture in the north is bad roads. Lack of good roads for the transport of Agricultural products has been discouraging most farmers from farming. This is because the farmer has just a few days to sell perishable crops like tomatoes, dbefore it gets spoilt. And lack of good roads present the challenge of moving farm produce from farm to the market where they can be sold. In view of this problem, the present administration has put a foot down to renovate old roads as well as construct new ones to connect the villages where farming takes place to the major cities in the state where farmers can easily sell their farm produce. The Governor in his efforts to ensure smooth transportation within the state has completed over 80 road-related projects, including the installation of solar street lights on various highways.
We could continue writing about the achievements of Governor Bello achievements in the last two years in office but might not do proper justice to it, but this we will say, the governor is determined to do more. Lots of infrastructures are still needed in the state especially in the Agricultural sector. We hope to add much more to this list in the years to come.
Ahmed Haruna Tswata is a Journalist and Blogger.
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